Friday, June 29, 2007

Tango Palace

A million years ago, Adam and I were in a show called 'Tango Palace.' In a surreal Purgatorial environment, my evil-clown character sexually and emotionally tormented his innocent naive character for the better part of an hour. Minimal tango was involved.

Two weeks ago, at Alyson's wedding, the kick-ass band played one tango. Adam and I gave it a whirl (we were the only ones on the floor):

Neither of us can tango worth a damn, but I thought it was a cool picture.

Here's one of Alyson and me dancing. We couldn't decide who should lead, but since she was the bride, she got to pick.

As floofy, 13-pound wedding dresses go, hers in pretty bitchin', no? And I'm not exaggerating; the dress really did weigh 13 pounds. Day-um. She pulled it off with loads of grace for 7 hours, and then, when the time came, literally pulled it off, pleading with her aunt, Tracy, and me to "get it off! Just get it off!" No joke, that thing is friggin' heavy.

And, for the fans, here's one of me and my man (he's only stepping on my foot just the wee tiniest bit).

Don't know where the hell the Tina Turner crazy bicep came from, but I'm totally running with it!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we see a picture of your man's face? Please? Pretty please? Also, love the color of that dress.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can see my best side in the picture.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Cristi said...

So many weddings these days. Keep dancing for a while longer, my friend:)

5:44 PM  

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