Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I Just Memed a Little in My Mouth

Adam just tagged me for a meme-off, with the meme being 5 things about yourself your readership doesn’t know about you.

Here goes:

  1. I am pathologically, screamingly, irrationally afraid of anything with an exoskeleton. I especially can not handle roaches, not even to kill them. If it crunches when I squish it, I can’t squish it. If it’s already dead, I am still unable to deal with it. If there is no one else available to deal with it, I can’t just pick its crunchy corpse up with a tissue; I have to use a long-handled broom and dustpan so I come nowhere near to touching it. Once it’s in the garbage, I have to double bag and double knot it and avert my face in case it somehow magically comes back to life and tries to attack me. Despite this, I am very fond of rodents and snakes, and just happen to be really girly about bugs.
  2. Every time I get a bad sunburn, I’m secretly delighted, as I love it when my skin peels and I can pull off little sheets of it and pretend it’s papyrus.
  3. I am ambidextrous. The only things I do consistently with my left hand are writing, using chopsticks, and throwing a Frisbee. Almost everything else is right handed. I always hold the phone to my left ear and chew on the left side, but kick with my right foot. When riding my bike, I always push down on the pedal with my left foot. I used to write equally well with both hands, but I was forced to pick one in third grade. I used to cry when I had to use right-handed scissors, but my brain has since compensated and rewired itself.
  4. If I don’t have my morning coffee and my subsequent morning poop, I am very cranky.
  5. Every time I get on a plane, I have to touch the outside of it as I walk through the door, or else the plane will crash. I try to be subtle about it and kind of lean on/grab the metal as I’m going in like I momentarily lost my balance, but really I’m ensuring that the plane stays airborne like it’s supposed to.

I will tag Amanda and Cristi to keep this meme rocking.

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Blogger Cristi said...

Ok, I'm obliged. It just so happens that the birthdate of the meme concept coincides with my arrival into the world. The details of meming in my pants soon to be revealed...

3:21 PM  

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