Monday, December 10, 2007

On the Avenue

A note of thanks to the bus driver on 5th Avenue in Brooklyn late last night who saw me sprinting hopelessly towards the bus stop, having had a few too many mojitos, and with no chance of beating the bus to its stop, who actually stopped the bus in the middle of the avenue to let me catch up and hop on.

I panted my thanks, but I'm not sure you could understand me between gasps. I want you know how awesome you are. In 11 years of MTA interactions, that's literally the second nice thing anyone's ever done for me. (A retroactive shout-out to the Israeli guy in '97 who gave me his seat on the subway.)

Mr. Bus Driver, you are a beautiful man and I hope you people the earth with your descendants.

An aside to the makers of mojitos at Bogota: while your beverage tastes like the nectar of the gods, its boozy vengeance is not to be trifled with. My subway ride this morning was not pretty.

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